Product Code A591 M509 M543 M545 M593 N520 N530 N560 S1359 S1356SE
Backing / Appearance Buff Cream Translucent Translucent Translucent Black Translucent Translucent Translucent Translucent Light Beige
Adhesive Type Rubber Nat Rubber Solv Mod. Acryl Mod. Acryl Mod. Acryl Mod. Acryl Mod. Acryl Mod. Acryl Acryl. Disp. Acryl. Disp.
Gauge mm 0.18 0.095 0.18 0.095 0.095 0.15 0.095 0.12 0.17 0.3
Temp Continuous °C 0 to 60 -15 to 60 -20 to 130 -20 to 130 -20 to 130 -20 to 120 -20 to 120 -20 to 100 -40 to 140 -40 to 140
Peel Adhesion N/Cm 2.2 4.8 7.4 10.5 7.4 >7.1 >7.1 >9.8 10.8 8.8
Liner Type Sil.Paper PE Paper Sil.Paper PE Paper PE Paper PE Paper PE Paper PE Paper Sil.Paper PE Paper
Liner Colour White White White White White White White White Amber Amber
Smooth Bond
Non Smooth Bond
Very Uneven
Low Energy Surface
Initial Tack
Shear Adhesion
UV Resistance
Plasticiser Resistance
Moisture Stability
Chemical Resistance
Differential Expansion
Impact Resistance
Ageing Resistance
Clean Remove / Release
Hand Tearable
Golf Grip Tape
Fluid Available
Print Finishing
Laminating and
Splicing, Paper
Foam Lamination
Econ Pre-Stitch
Print Finishing
Plate (Trophies)
Bonding Fabrics
Lamination of
Foams & Splice
Lamination Splicing
Picture Framing
Flying Splice
Curtain and Blind
Premium Grade
Highly Textured
EPDM & Foam
Textured Surfaces
Meets FAR25.853
Flame Retardent
Auto & Aircraft

Product Code Fast Fixer B300 B313 B333 U1712 S1325 S1328 S1375 S1377
Backing / Appearance Clear Dot ATG Trans. ATG Trans. Clear Translucent Translucent Translucent Clear Clear
Adhesive Type Hot Melt Mod. Acryl Mod. Acryl Mod. Acryl Mod. Acryl Mod. Acryl Mod. Acryl Pure Acryl Pure Acryl
Gauge mm 0.17 0.12 Ca. 0.5 0.04 0.13 0.04 0.12 0.06 0.12
Temp Continuous °C 0 to 50 -20 to 130 -20 to 130 -30 to 75 -40 to 120 -40 to 150 -40 to 150 -40 to 170 -40 to 170
Peel Adhesion N/Cm Variable 3.4 15 2.5/1.1 9.8 10 11.6 7.2 8.8
Liner Type Sil.Paper Sil.Paper Sil.Paper Sil.Paper PE Paper PE Paper PR PE Paper PR PE Paper PR PE Paper PR
Liner Colour L. Blue Amb. Rev. Amb. Rev. White Kraft Kraft Kraft Kraft Kraft
Smooth Bond
Non Smooth Bond
Very Uneven
Low Energy Surface
Initial Tack
Shear Adhesion
UV Resistance
Plasticiser Resistance
Moisture Stability
Chemical Resistance
Differential Expansion
Impact Resistance
Ageing Resistance
Clean Remove / Release
Hand Tearable NA NA NA NA
Adhesive Glue Dot
For Mailings Gift
and Promotions
Print Finishing
Picture Framing
Point of Sale
As for B300 Plus
Splice and Mount
Textured Finishes
Point of Sale
Nameplate, Trim
Curtains & Blinds
Decorative Moulds
Nameplate Signs
Screen printing,
Low Surface Energy
As for S1325 but
For Rougher
Textured Surfaces
Lamination to
Foams, Textiles
Name Plate
As for S1375 but
For Rougher
Textured Surfaces

Product Code H666 S1338 S1489
Backing / Appearance Translucent Translucent Translucent
Adhesive Type Rubber Solv. Pure Acryl Rubber Syn.
Gauge mm 0.19 0.22 0.25
Temp Continuous °C -40 to 65 -40 to 140 -40 to 70
Peel Adhesion N/Cm 26 10 18.8
Liner Type Sil.Paper Sil.Paper Sil.Paper
Liner Colour Amber Amber Amber
Smooth Bond

Non Smooth Bond

Very Uneven

Low Energy Surface

Initial Tack

Shear Adhesion

UV Resistance

Plasticiser Resistance

Moisture Stability

Chemical Resistance

Differential Expansion

Impact Resistance

Ageing Resistance

Clean Remove / Release


Hand Tearable


Gaskets, Bonding
of Cloths & Foams
Attachment of
Skirting Boards
Decorative Moulds
Bonding Low
Energy Plastic
& Rubber Profiles